MFD-Development Projects

Project Examples

Sample of Projects.

MFD-Development Projects

Surface Neo Keyboard
Surface Go Keyboard
Surface Studio Hinge Arm
Surface Pro Power Cover
PTS-30 Thermal Spray System
Laser Diode Test System
LTD-53500 Thermoelectric Chiller
LabRAM Resonant Acoustic Mixer
RAMbio - Incubator
Solid Ink Printhead
CO2 Powered Jet Injector
Safeline Needle Free IV System
Shiley Tracheostomy Tubes

The PTS-30 system uses a propane heat to melt powdered materials in flight to create instant powder coatings on any substrate.

This project included design and development of the applicator, the cart and the umbilical. The applicator includes a circuit board for controlling the material flow and driving an electronic ignition system.

There is a pending patent on the PTS-30 applicator.

For further information on the PTS-30 system see the Resodyn Web Site